Turnkey Comparison Chart

Here’s a list of all the features that come with both the startup and premium packages.
If you have any questions about any of them, please feel free to give us a call and we explain them in detail.

Features: Startup
Number of Pages
Content written specifically for your industry
Ability to Edit the Website (make changes to the content, add pages, etc.)
SSL Certificate (Encrypted website, aka the little lock in the url is secure. Included with every hosting package)
Full Screen Layout (edge to edge graphics and content)
Phone and Email are easily to find (best for your visitors!)
Contact Form
Get a Quote Form
Mobile Friendly (website looks good and easy to use on a smart phone)
Industry Specific Licensed Photography
Social Media Links
Service Area Map (we will create a custom map to show your visitors your service area)
Flyout Tab (button that sticks on the page as they scroll to encourage the visitor to click to get a quote)
Wow Factor (Content comes to life and interacts with the visitor as they scroll the page)
Quick Contact Form (form is at the top and in front of them when they first land on your page)
Make a Payment Page (receive payments from customers through your website)
Brands you sell and service (Logos)
Animated Company Stats (# of Satisfied Customers, # of Years in Business, etc.)
Reviews Badges
Service Vehicle drives up to house
Interactive Features (hover buttons and they animate to bring more life to the website)
Testimonials Page & Top Testimonials on Home page
Live Chat

Contact us today to get started with whichever Package best suits your sized business and needs!