The purpose of this page is to explain the in-depth process for building a new website. Below are the various Phases of building a basic informational website. Naturally each Phase has potential for delays due to scheduling, availability of content, images, customization… etc. so please keep that in mind when considering how long it takes to set your website up. Our goal is to get your website up and running as soon as possible and to avoid delays as much as possible; so please read through below to understand the process.
Phase 1: Initial setup of the Website Theme and Content Management System
(also known as the “Framework” of the site)
Once a theme has been chosen we can begin the build. If there are any changes to the theme Phase 1 is the time to discuss them (additional charges may apply to theme modifications, especially after Phase 1 because in many cases changes would be double work). Next we set up the content management system for your website and install/configure any upgrades or widgets purchased. In this Phase we also point over your domain and place a “coming soon” page that will remain until the site is ready for launch.
Time Frame: 1-5 business days (depending on the complexity of the theme modifications)
Click Here to see the various formats you can choose from when deciding how your website will look.
Phase 2: Content Insertion and Styling
Many of our websites have “stock content” to help get you started, this generalized content is not meant to be the final product, but rather a guide to follow. If you would prefer to send your own content we will create all of your (contracted) pages, inserting your content and styling it to match your website. Generally we do not begin to insert customer supplied content until all content is available. For those customers who do not have content available we can create a coming soon page or have a staff writer create custom content (additional charge) so that the site can be launched sooner. Then we pick up the remainder of the content and any additional changes in Phase 4 or the customer can use the easy CMS to add/ modify later.
Please note: Some customers elect to handle all the content and styling themselves as to learn how to edit their website better. In this case you would skip this step.
Time Frame: 1-2 business days per 10 pages
Phase 3: First Set of Revisions
After the content has been inserted and styled you will have an opportunity to go through the site noting changes you’d like to have made. Remember to be thorough and let us know of ANYTHING that needs to be changed. Within the purchase we allow for 2 sets of revisions to make sure we get you site done correctly. Any major changes to the theme or site organization will essentially roll back the calendar and may result in additional charges. The better the info we have, the faster and more accurate we can be on your website build.
Time Frame: 1-2 business days (depending on how complicated the changes are)
Phase 4: Final Round of Revisions
After you’ve seen the first set of revisions you will have a final opportunity to give us a list of any changes you need made before the launch of your website. We will make any final revisions along with any missing content you’ve completed and prepare to launch the website. At this point you will be trained on the use of your CMS and any further needs of the site such as Search Engine Optimization (SEO) , marketing, ongoing support… etc. (note: a standard website build does not include SEO as that is reflected in the price. To save customers money we coach you on what search engines are looking for so you can determine how to best market your website.)
Time Frame: 1-2 business days (depending on how complicated the changes are)
IMPORTANT: Anything in addition to Phase 4 is subject to additional charges.
(Usually minimal though) After the site is launched we can look at What’s Next