Blog / Article Manager
With this module you will be able to create unlimited categories and unlimited articles. You can either use it to provide your visitors/customers with usable knowledge and/or helpful tips or you can use it for a marketing and a search engine optimization tool where you use articles filled with information about your products and/or services as well as photos, videos and helpful links to other websites. You will be able to categorize each type of article or blog entry so it can be organized and easy to navigate.
Your readers will also be able to search throughout your website and find an article that meets their interest or need. They will also be able to receive immediate notifications of any new articles or entries through the built-in RSS feed. You can also have a continuous “latest posts” widget on the home page to display an excerpt of however many posts you would like displayed on your homepage.
Photo Gallery
Our Gallery feature is very easy to use. We’ve made them easy to create and even easier to update. All you’ll do is name your images, set them to 800 x 600 in size and upload them to a folder. Then set that page to display the contents of that folder and our website system will do the rest for you! To edit your gallery, just delete unwanted photos or upload new ones. You can do it yourself by watching our simple video and save some money or you can choose this add-on and we can do it all for you!
Click Here for an example of our Click-to-Enlarge Gallery

Featured Content Slider
This is a great way to showcase your products or services. With this module, you can add a series of banners that represent the most important products or services you offer. 
You will be able to add and delete slides or edit the message that appears at the bottom of each slide! You can even make the slides clickable to take your visitor to a certain page on or off your website. The animated transition is smooth and impressive. The best part is this doesn’t even require flash, so iPhone and iPad users will actually be able to see and use this feature of your website.
We can design the slides for you or you can design them yourself using our new online banner ad designer!

Flyout Tab
Our Cool new Flyout Tab is perfect to promote a tempting special offer, a cool new product, or just a seasonal message!
You will be able to set what the flyout tab says (on the button) or if you’re feeling brave, you can even custom design one yourself and upload it. This feature allows for a small quick message in a “flyout” area that will get a point across to your visitors without being intrusive, yet still always on the screen for them to see it and click if your button wording is alluring enough. 🙂
As with everything we do, feel free to ask us to just handle this all for you, it’s a free service (if you need it) when you get the Flyout Tab add-on.

Payment Page
This add-on will enable your customers to click a button on your website and pay an invoice of any amount. It uses PayPal to process the payment through their SSL certificate so it’s secure and inexpensive. Paypal doesn’t charge to have the account but they do charge a fee of approximately 2.75%-3.3% per transaction. So you don’t pay unless someone uses this payment method. You can start accepting all the major credit cards in addition to PayPal payments.
Click Here to see how an example of the Payment Page.

Member Manager
Allow visitors to create a membership to your website and requiring a login (email address and password) to see certain pages within your website. You can delete or change members accounts in just a few clicks with this module in the admin control panel. The module comes with a signup page complete with a special access code to protect you from just anyone signing up without an invitation.

Live Chat
Engage Visitors as they hit your website and help them live without picking up the phone. You will be able to see what page they’re looking at, what city they’re in and most importantly, how they found you!
This is a module that requires you to setup FREE account at but our fee is to install the code and configure your chat module to work throughout your website.
Domain Name: $14.95 per year
A Domain Name is your website address or “URL”. It is the name in which one finds you on the internet. This is THE most important decision in setting up a website. This name is what will be printed on all of your marketing and where you will tell people to go to when visiting your website. In essence, it is your website.
Once you order your website and it’s installed, your content is all in place, your emails are all setup, your business cards are all printed, and your marketing is all finalized using that domain name, it is very hard and expensive to change the domain name. We recommend you think about it and decide on a short domain name yet easy to spell and remember. If you have to choose a .net or .info domain, make sure the .com version is not going to your direct competition. Your visitors might end up there by accident.
If you’re domain name is currently pointed to another server, your website will not be live and editable when you’re finished with this order. This order form will simply get the order started and we will finish it by helping you or telling you how to modify your DNS records to point the domain to our servers. We do this many times a day and we will ensure there are no email issues or complications during the transition.
If you have any questions when deciding on a Domain Name or need help, please contact your salesperson.
Custom Design Option
Premade Design: (included)
Your website will be made using one of our pre-designed templates. (colors and everything just as it is shown in the preview page).
Customized Premade Design:
Your website will be made from a customized version of the premade template you choose. We will modify the colors and some of the graphics of the template to match your business. This option is not instant. We will need at least 2 business days to complete the customizations. In the mean time, you will see the premade template you chose to customize (in its original form).
Custom Design:
Your website will be custom designed based on a design consultation with a Website Designer. We will discuss your style, color, and effects preferences and built your site from there. The prices are based on doing a custom designed template. If you have any questions or would like to get a solid quote on your project, please contact your salesperson.

Shopping Cart Module
This module allows you to create unlimited PayPal Add-to-Cart items with ease. All you do is fill out this simple form with the product details and go! You won’t need this module if you already know how to create PayPal buttons in html but if not, this will make you look like a pro in no time. We even prefer using this module over writing it from scratch because it saves so much time. Editing it is even faster, just open the product window and modify the pricing and options in seconds. As if it couldn’t get any easier, to duplicate a product, all you have to do is copy the button and paste it for an exact copy of the original product, then just change the product name and price. We know, it’s TOO easy!
Need us to set up your PayPal Shopping Cart Products:
We can setup your products for you. Contact Your Sales Person for more information.

Styled Pages
We will take the text and images you provide us with and style them according to your template. We will take key phrases or slogans and graphically enhance the lettering to make the site have a custom flare and stand out among the rest of the message on the page. We also enhance the photos with borders, shadows, or glows depending on the style of template you’ve chosen. Special bulk page price breaks are available. If you choose to do your own pages, leave this option blank.
Click image above to enlarge.

Customizable Forms
Contact Forms and Quote Request Forms are a great way to generate leads and initiate a line of communication between you and your potential customers. With a Customized Quote Request Form, you can ask your visitor a series of project-specific questions that will help you respond with a more definitive answer when calling them back to discuss their needs. 
We’ve found over the years, when we respond right away from a quote request, we get the job simply because of how impressed the visitor was by our efficient process of handling a simple request for information. This fast and streamlined response will set the groundwork for your potential new customer’s confidence in choosing your company over the competition.
All of our Contact Forms come equipped with the ability to create unlimited drop-downs, radio buttons, check boxes, text fields, text areas (for a longer message), custom html areas for images or notes, upload fields for receiving files, as well as an really cool “Captcha” feature that will keep your forms from being used by spammers to send you messages you don’t want.

Inline Message Widget
With this attention grabber, you can capture the attention of your visitor and let them know of a special or seasonal greeting upon first visit. Once they click the close button, it will not show up again until they come back to your site again another day. It will appear on every page automatically until they close it or you can choose make it only appear on certain pages.

Content Writing & Styling
Most small business owners do not have the spare time to sit down and write enough content to fill their website to make it look and feel and more importantly read like it was a professionally made website. That’s why we offer content writing services for you! We will scour the internet for websites that offer a similar product or service to yours, analyze the content we find throughout your industry, then we create unique content specifically for your business based on a combination of what we find others in your industry are saying and what you tell us in our phone interview with you. Of course anything we write, you can quickly edit through our easy to use web-based editor. Content writing includes professionally styling the page so it not only reads well but looks great!

Page Peel
The page peel is an interactive way to grab your visitor’s attention and let them know about a special you’re running or an event that’s coming up. This module will allow you to create your own corner graphic that has a 3D-like animation of the corner of the page slightly peeled back to reveal a short message to grab their attention as it subtly bounces. Then when they mouse over the peel it expands out “peeling back” to reveal a larger message. You will be able to customize many aspects of this module. Some of which include being able to choose which pages it shows up on, which corner you would like it to appear on, enable disable the swoosh sound effect on mouse over, setting the destination url or “landing page”, and more.
This module is very effective in helping people remember your website and making your business stand out in the crowded competition.