Beware of Scams, There are a lot of them out there!

There are a lot of scams going on out there right now by foreign individuals that are posing as someone from “Microsoft”. They do a little bit of research first. They get your name and number from the Internet or from a Yellow/White Pages listing to make you feel like it could be legitimate. Then the began to explain that your computer has sent a notification to Microsoft alerting them of some problems with your computer. In some cases they say you have a virus and in other cases they say you have someone accessing your computer remotely.

They then proceed to walk you through some steps to show you some things on your computer and gain more trust. Then they show you some errors or they show you some technical data that will most likely go over your head and make you feel even more confident in their ability to help you “Get rid of this problem”.

Then they take you to a website or ask you to connect to let them fix it, either of which will actually infect your computer with a virus that only they can fix for a ridiculous amount of money. We’ve heard reports of between $300 and $1500 to unlock your computer. This “repair software” they sell you comes with 1 year  of free phone support. Wow what a deal!

More of these alerts will appear in your inbox if you signup for our newsletter, so keep an eye out and make sure you tell friends about this because people are losing not only money but anything may have stored on these computers all of us have so quickly become dependent on.

Helping you stay up to date…

Modern Web Studios periodically sends out Scam Alerts and Tech advise to our valued customers so keep an eye out for these valuable tips and info. Yes, times are changing… and Modern Web Studios is changing right along with it. While we’ve always led the industry in eye catching graphics and web design the competitive internet market has kept us hopping as Google and search engine guidelines seem to change daily. The days of having a great looking website are being challenged by the need of a website to perform well and become a tool to generate leads and revenue.

With that in mind we encourage our customers to stay in contact with us so we can help you keep up with internet SEO trends. Having your site able to provide Google the information it’s looking for can dramatically increase your site’s ability to be noticed. Be assured your competitors are taking advantage of every resource tool available to them… and you should too. Call us today (888) 987-7771