With NO Auto Updates.
You’re totally on your own.
Backups Control Panel FTP Access Plugin Access Full Admin Access General Hosting Support Editor and Theme Support (Pay as Needed) Malware or Hack Support (Pay as Needed) Automatic Updates of Plugins (Pay as Needed) Automatic Updates of WP Core (Pay as Needed) Teamero Licensed Plugins (Not available) |
Best for a
WordPress Guru.
This option is best for someone that wants to have full control of their website, or pay a web developer, in-house employee, friend or family member to manage their WordPress website for them. This tends to result in no one doing updates and the website eventually gets hacked because there are outdated plug-ins or an outdated WordPress core which leaves vulnerabilities that are discovered and exploited by hackers.
We can still help you should something happen but this can get very expensive. We don’t recommend you go this route unless you have 100% confidence that the person that’s managing your website for you isn’t going anywhere or your relationship with them won’t end on bad terms.
We know this sounds harsh, but we would prefer to fully disclose the risks in this option should you choose to allow an employee or friend to manage your website.
With Auto Updates
You’re on your own but always up to date.
Backups Control Panel FTP Access Plugin Access Full Admin Access General Hosting Support Automatic Updates of Plugins Automatic Updates of WP Core Editor and Theme Support (Pay as Needed) Malware or Hack Support (Pay as Needed) Teamero Licensed Plugins (Not Available) |
Best for someone with
a lot of WordPress Experience.
This option is best for someone that wants a hands-off approach but still wants to maintain the latest security releases. With this option there are risks of plug-in developers releasing updates that are not compatible with other plug-ins as well as other versions of WordPress. There’s also the possibility of WordPress not being compatible with some of the existing plug-ins, in other words updating WordPress will break certain functionality within a plug-in’s features. Automatic Updates can and will most likely eventually result in us (or someone) having to fix your website due to an incompatibility between plug-ins and WordPress.
Stability is less using this option because if a plug-in update has a bug in it, (which means the developer did something wrong when they prepared their update file) the update of that plug-in will break your website in some way. Potentially just the area that the plug-in affected, or worst case scenario the whole website goes blank/down and needs to be repaired.
We handle all the software for you,
so you can just focus on your content.
Backups General Hosting Support Editor and Theme Support Malware or Hack Support* Automatic Updates of Plugins Automatic Updates of WP Core Teamero Licensed Plugins Control Panel (Not available) FTP Access (Not available) Plugin Access (Not available) Full Admin Access (Not available) |
Best for Small Business Owners
with no WordPress Experience.
This option is best for the small business owner that wants to just focus on his or her company and not deal with managing the website’s software. In many cases we have customers that start out thinking they will let and employee handle it or a friend or family member but then the relationship goes south and small business owner is stuck with a situation where the are in over their head. We are in it for the long haul, so we genuinely recommend this option is we can continue to provide your website with the service and maintenance it needs to be up to date and at its best when it comes to security.
*If a website is hacked, the website will be restored to a previous backup but either changes will be lost due to the website going back to a previous state or additional work will need to be done to recover a more recent version of the website which may incur additional cost.
Important Note: obviously if you’re running an ad campaign you’re going to waste clicks if your website is down at any point, but if you’re running any kind of organic search engine optimization campaigns, then Google potentially removes your website in it’s entirety making it very difficult to get them to re-add them.